On the latest episode of The Bloody Legends, Jim and Jai catch up with Ryan Waste of Bat & Municipal Waste to talk about the latest horror punk-thrash opus from BAT “Under The Crooked Claw” and the upcoming Australian Tour with Municipal Waste.
Richmond, Virginia metal-punk trio BAT has been delivering their own blood-spattered horror since ascending from the underground a decade ago on a dark, leather-winged trajectory. The brainchild of MUNICIPAL WASTE guitarists Ryan Waste & Nick Poulos, BAT leans heavily on the dirtier side of speed metal. On May 17th, the band welcomes the release of their second full-length album Under The Crooked Claw via Nuclear Blast Records.
LINKS Sales Link: https://bat.bfan.link/utcclp
The new album “Under the Crooked Claw” will be out May 17th: https://bat.bfan.link/utcclp.yde
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