Diabolic Rites are a Death Metal band out of Adelaide, Australia and having one of Australia’s most respected metal drummers Matt”Skitz”Sanders are ready to emerge out of the pits of hell to reign down death and destruction through their classic take on Death metal. This is a band that really respects the roots of this scene and the album pays homage to classic death with a really great cover of Venom’s Countess Bathory. I caught Diabolic Rites at one of their first shows in Adelaide and was instantly hooked with this no nonsense death metal outfit immediately going straight to their merch stand and Buying the EP and a Hells Forsaken Bastards top as well. Their Debut album “Litanies of the Lecherous” is one I was eagerly anticipating and was not disappointed this is a great death metal album that pulls no punches This is DEATH METAL and we are Lucifers Hammer.CRANNK IT
DĂDSDRAKT – guitar
BLODGRIS – bass/vocals
DEMONINACHT – assault/battery
Diabolic Rites Bandcamphttps://diabolicrites.bandcamp.com/album/litanies-of-the-lecherous
Diabolic Rites FB https://www.facebook.com/DiabolicRites/