“It is not about avoiding fear of the pitch-black darkness, but to go into the darkness itself…”
Enslaved are due to release their 15th Studio album “Utgard” October 2nd and Enslaved have never been a band to stagnate, with “Utgard” further continuing the exploration of prog and psychedelic vibes while seamlessly combining with blistering black metal, solid guitar leads, and Norse mythology and folklore.
I recently caught up with the legendary guitarist of Enslaved Ivar Bjørnson to discuss the latest album “Utgard“, talk Norse Mythology, Arve ‘Ice Dale’ Isdal and the leads that permeate through the album, Artwork, and the themes of “Utgard”.
‘UTGARD’, out on October 2nd: https://nblast.de/Enslaved-Utgard.
Subscribe to Nuclear Blast YouTube: http://nblast.de/NBytb /
Subscribe to Enslaved YouTube: http://bit.ly/subs-enslavd-yt
GET ‘UTGARD’: Nuclear Blast: https://nblast.de/Enslaved-Utgard
Amazon: https://nblast.de/Enslaved-UtgardAMZ
Google Play: https://nblast.de/Enslaved-UtgardGP
STREAM: https://nblast.de/Enslaved-UtgardDigital
FOLLOW, LIKE, LISTEN & WATCH: Facebook: http://facebook.com/enslaved Twitter: https://twitter.com/enslavedband
Instagram: https://instagram.com/enslavedofficial
YouTube: http://bit.ly/subs-enslavd-yt
On Tour: http://enslaved.no/tour