Chicago’s own Nahuales Underground is a blend of genres including ska, punk and reggae just to name of few. Since 2004 Nahuales Underground has been steadily building up a following and reputation for great music and live performances.
Nahuales Underground recently released “CUICAYOTL CONTRA EL POWER” so I caught up with guitarist and co-vocalist Vicente Echeverria for another chat following on from the written one we did last year(…), we talk about the latest release, recording, and being able to let loose a little with some heavier musical voicings, and being included on The Ska Man Saves The World Compilation.
Ska Man Saves The World https://theskashowwithbeefy.bandcamp….
Nahuales Underground:
Loco Dub / Vocals, Rhythms Guitar
Ismael Echeverria / Vocals, Bass Guitar
Vicente Echeverria / Vocals, Lead Guitar
Javier Pantoja / Percussions
Guillermo Hernandez / Drums